Thursday, March 15, 2012

With God ALL THINGS are Possible!

What have you laid aside because of the words of others? I was told, "You will never make it on your own", but I have. I was told, "You will have to move to a smaller house" two times, but I moved to bigger both times. I was told, "don't count on more child support" but I did and it happened...I was told I would have to work two jobs and live on welfare, but I don't. Instead I work part time from home. I was told, you will have to put your kids in public school, but I haven't. Others don't always have the faith for what God has told you. It is up to YOU to move on YOUR faith. Faith without works is dead...
It often starts with what is in your Hand.  If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain.  That is very small faith.  What Has He given to you? To each is given a measure of faith.  Start with where you are now and watch your faith grow as you step out.  Yes, you will miss it totally at times, but the miracles and open doors that come for your faith will amaze you!  What little ideas have you had that you have laid aside because of lack of hope or the words of others?  Just because something did not work for them does not mean it is not right for you.  Take a step and begin a new journey.
Of course, it begins with having a relationship with Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  If you have not  trusted your life into His hands, now is the time.  Talk to Him as you would a friend.  I pour my heart out to Him day and night.  Give Him your heart and begin to seek His Word for your daily instruction in life.  You will be amazed at what He will do!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trust Yourself

I have found that as a single mother, there seem to be too many people trying to tell me how I should live my life.  They don't do that to married women, so why to me?  Sometimes it is because I voice aloud what I am going through or changes I am making that married women tend to discuss more with their husbands.  The truth is we need people around us, but I have had my fill of people trying to decide if what I am doing is right or not and what I should be doing next.  I feel like my decisions are on trial!

For instance, when I was faced with an upcoming move that was not by choice but due to financial struggles, everyone tried to tell me where I should live and how I should get rid of most of our belongings and all our pets.  The places they found for me were disgusting!  I can't imagine running my home business out of such a home.  It would have totally destroyed my business.  I knew that God has something better.  I also knew I was in for a big increase in child support and also in income in a month. Still no one seemed to believe me and told me over and over, "I would not count on it!"  UGH!!!

So, I have found that I often must isolate myself from many in order to keep a hold of the promises of God's Word to me.  I have to fill myself with teachings of hope and God's promises in His Word.  I have to realize that my faith is not the same as the faith others have for my situation.

If, like myself, you lived with an abuser who was controlling, you may have learned to doubt yourself.  That can also come after a divorce when suddenly you realize you made a decision to marry someone that you regretted.  You must believe that you are totally capable of making your own decisions and of running your own life, especially if you have God on your side!

So how did my situation work out?  I got the expected increases and a beautiful, larger home to live in that saved me $300. a month from my previous location!  Trust yourself!  

If you are needing to surround yourself with people who believe in you, I suggest getting plugged into and go to her Facebook.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Have Some Fun!

Single mothers tend to give, give, give with no one giving back to them.  There is rarely time for self in the midst of tending to children, work and home.  I have learned that if I am going to have fun, I typically have to plan it myself.  I need not only fun time with my children, but fun time as an adult woman.  Little things such as a stroll through the mall or the pampering of getting hair or nails done can do wonders for a stressed out mom.  You need to dream and to have some thing to look forward to just as your children do.  Not everything has to cost money although you should not feel guilty for little indulgences.  Coffee and a new book, new bath salts, or a stroll through a city garden or museum can bring such peace.  

Think of one thing you can do for yourself each week.  The best idea? Invest in yourself.  Invest in training in areas where you want increase or improvement.  Invest in your dreams. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is An Orphan Spirit Keeping You From Your Dreams?

We all know that an orphan is one without parents or family, but did you know that you can actually carry an orphan mentality or orphan spirit that keeps you from your destiny?  Has divorce or the hurts from people's responses to your divorce caused you to take on this orphan spirit?

Do you feel you have no hope?
Do you only think of surviving from day to day?
Have you lost a sense of destiny or your dreams for your future?
Do you struggle with feelings of isolation and loneliness, even when with others?
Do you feel you "just don't fit in" at church or other activities?
Are you expecting others to take care of you or judging them when they don't?
Have you gotten comfortable with your life as it is and take no effort or hope in it improving?

The orphan spirit comes about through wounding and rejection or perceived rejection, often by someone in authority.  If you have been abandoned by your parents, church or other leaders or husband, it is possible to take on, through feelings of abandonment, an orphan spirit.  Sometimes it seems that there is no where left to turn and no one to help.  This too, can give one the false conclusions that you are abandoned.  This can also lead to depression.

So how do you get free from an orphan spirit?  The Bible says that we have received a "spirit of adoption" and we can call God, "Abba" or "Daddy". (Romans 8:14 - 15).  God has not abandoned you.  He knew you would be where you are today when he created you.  He also promises that He will turn it all for good if we allow Him to.  An issue with having the orphan spirit is trust in others.  If you struggle with this, that is the place where your first steps of faith in action for your healing will begin.  You may even struggle with trusting God and feeling abandoned by Him.  He understands and is gentle and kind.  Be honest with Him.

Father, I feel abandoned by.....  I have felt rejected by...  I ask you to come and heal my heart and free me from any spirit of abandonment or any orphan spirit.  I invite your Spirit to help me to understand that I am adopted by You and You will never leave me or forsake me.  You are a Father to the fatherless and a helpmate to the widow.  I ask your forgiveness for closing my heart to You and to the dreams You have for me.  I ask you to fill me with hope as you are the God of all hope.  I ask your forgiveness for looking to others rather than to You with my needs.  I thank you that You will set me free now.  In Jesus Name, and by His blood and the power of His resurrection, I choose to forgive....for abandoning me (and my children).  I forgive ....for abandoning me emotionally, financially, spiritually and physically.  I release this person into Your care now.  I open my heart to receive what You have prepared for me for I know You, Father, have plans to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future.  You are my husband, my Father, my friend and my companion, my savior and my healer.  In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you prayed this prayer and you feel you still need further counsel or prayer, I encourage you to share it with a local pastor or women's ministry leader that they may continue to help you along the path to freedom.  There is no shame in needing others to stand with us or pray for us. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Make Home Special

Many single mothers are renters and there is nothing wrong with that.  It is nice to have someone else do the repairs and handle the big problems with homes.  Whether you are in an apartment, or a house, or even just renting a room or two, it is important to make it feel like home.  How is your home?  Have you taken time to make it feel cozy?  Do you have photos displayed?  Did you unpack your stuff?  How are you taking care of the home that God has given you?  Even if you are renting, you should care for your home with love.  Keeping it clean and tidy goes a long way to make a place feel welcoming.  If you have a yard, are you keeping up with it?

Now I know time runs very short for single moms but there is something refreshing about manual labor on your home.  I might dread doing it but afterward I realize it feels more like home.  This goes for the kids too.  Get them involved in the upkeep and cleaning and organizing.  They may give their loud objections but it will teach them responsibility and build confidence in them in being able to care for their own home one day.

I like to consider the 5 senses.  Does my home smell pleasant with odors of food or flowers or fresh laundry?  Are there nice pillows or blankets that are soft to the touch?  Does my home look pleasant?  What sounds are heard in my home? Yelling or pleasant talk and laughter and nice music?  Lastly, do I take the time to make foods that delight the palate?  Healthy foods are much more satisfying than junk.

It does not matter how large or small the place is, it can still be home and hold special memories.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Easy Dinner for 4

One of the ways to thrive as a single mother is to provide healthy meals to our family.  This recipe will have them asking for seconds and it only takes a few minutes prep time. Cost of the meal is $6.00 - $8.00 for four servings.

Place two chicken breasts with a cup of water and 3 tablespoons of salsa in a crock pot.  
Cook for 2 - 3 hours on low. 
Remove the chicken breasts when tender, and shred with a fork.
Add 1/2 cup of the broth, 2 tablespoons of salsa and 3 tablespoons of cream cheese to the shredded chicken.
Cheese and Black beans may be added to the tacos or served on the side.
Serve with flour tortillas and salad.

Need a fast dessert?  Spread Nutella on a tortilla and slice for an easy compliment to the meal.